About Us

About Us

We support the meaningful engagement of people and communities in shaping health and care services in Scotland.

We believe that people and communities should be able to use their skills and experience to design and improve the health and care services that matter to them. They should also have the opportunity to work together with the organisations that provide those services.

Our strategic vision 2023-28 describes how we support health and care services by:

  • building and sharing evidence around engagement
  • using knowledge and expertise to improve engagement
  • providing assurance that people are involved in shaping services

We are part of Healthcare Improvement Scotland. We are governed by the Scottish Health Council, which is responsible for agreeing our overall strategic direction and assures the legal equality responsibilities of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Our local presence and national reach enables us to work in a variety of ways, gathering evidence and best practice from across Scotland. It also allows us to collaborate with a wide range of individuals, groups and organisations.

What we do

We support the engagement of people and communities in shaping health and care services in Scotland.

What We Do What We Do

Strategic vision

Meaningful engagement matters. Here's how we support health and care services in Scotland so that people's views and experiences shape the services we all use.

Strategic vision Strategic vision

Get in touch

You can contact us by phone or email - and send us a message direct from our website

Contact Us Contact Us

Scottish Health Council

We are overseen by the Scottish Health Council which reports to the Board of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Committee Committee


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