Equipping Professionals
We believe providers of health and care services in Scotland should involve people in their planning and delivery.
They should do this not only because they have to, but also because it improves things for everyone.
We offer practical advice and resources to help health and care staff to engage with people and communities.
We provide different ways for professionals to share their experiences and learn from evidence and from each other.
Why engage?
We believe that engaging people and communities in decisions about health and care services improves things for everyone.
Why Engage? Why Engage?How to engage
Plan your engagement with people and communities to ensure it is meaningful.
How to Engage How to EngageParticipation Toolkit
The Participation Toolkit describes a range of ways to involve people in decisions about their own care and in the design and delivery of local services.
Participation Toolkit Participation ToolkitVolunteering in NHS Scotland
Our Volunteering in NHS Scotland programme supports NHS boards to develop sustainable volunteering programmes.
Volunteering in NHS Scotland Volunteering in NHS ScotlandDesigning person-centred services for housing, social care and health
Taking a design approach to person-centred services
Designing person-centred services Designing person-centred servicesWhat matters to you?
Having meaningful conversations with individuals, as well as their families and carers
What Matters to You? What Matters to You?Participation Groups
A Participation Group is a public or community-led group that can be linked to a particular health and social care topic, service, organisation or geographical area.
Participation Groups Participation GroupsEquality and diversity
Everyone has a right to share their opinions and experiences to help shape health and care services.
Equality and Diversity Equality and DiversityVirtual Visiting
Technology is allowing people to stay in contact with friends and family who are in hospital.
Engaging Differently
Measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic, including lockdown restrictions, have created a challenge for traditional ways of engaging with people.
Engaging Differently Engaging DifferentlyStrategic Planning in Health and Social Care
Strategic planners have a unique world view that plays a vital role in the planning and development of health and social care services and support.
Strategic Planning in Health and Social Care Strategic Planning in Health and Social Care