Building readiness for change

Building readiness for change

How ready are your organisation and your partners for adopting service design?

Readiness for change refers to a shared commitment and belief in the capability to implement a change. Research has shown that when ‘readiness for change’ is high, the change is likely to be more effective. (Weiner, B.J. A theory of organizational readiness for change. Implementation Sci 4, 67 (2009). 

Resources to support assessing and building readiness for change

Resource Source

What is it and what is it for?

The Scottish Approach to Service Design: How to design services for and with users

Scottish Government

Provides an overview of the Scottish Approach to Service Design. Includes a maturity matrix which you can use to identify areas for action. 

Learning Site: The Scottish Approach to Service Design

NHS Education for Scotland

Requires a TURAS Login: Learning site which provides an introduction to the approach. You can use these resources to develop awareness.

Mindsets for Codesign

Beyond Sticky Notes

Explore the mindsets – ways of being and thinking – that you bring with this reflective resource 

Leading to Change

NHS Education for Scotland

Offers development programmes, events, coaching and mentoring for change-focused leadership.


Last Updated: 13 December 2023