What Matters to You?

What Matters to You?

Person-centred care sees health and social care professionals and people using services working together so that treatment and care is tailored to the needs of the individual and what matters to them. Evidence shows that providing care in a person-centred way can improve health and wellbeing outcomes. Healthcare Improvement Scotland's Person-Centred Care Programme works with organisations across health and social care to make sure that what matters to people is central to how health and care services are designed, delivered and improved.

Person-centred care helps people develop their knowledge, skills and confidence so that they can make informed decisions about their own health and care. It ensures that care is personalised, co-ordinated and enabling so that people can make choices, manage their own health and wellbeing and - where possible - live independently.

Person-centred interactions should be marked by listening, dignity, compassion and respect. One practical approach to providing person-centred care can be in the use of the five "Must Do With Me" elements of care to design the interactions between people receiving services and those delivering them:

  1. What matters to you? Your personal goals and the things that are important to you are discussed and form the basis of your care or treatment.
  2. Who matters to you? You are asked about the people that matter most in your life and have opportunity to involve them in the way that you choose.
  3. What information do you need? You get understandable full information and are supported to make decisions that take account of your personal goals and the things that are important to you.
  4. Nothing about me without me. You are always given the opportunity to be involved in discussions. All information exchanges and communication between professionals or between different services are transparent and always provide you with the opportunity either to be present or to contribute to the process.
  5. Personalised contact. As much as possible, the timing and methods by which you contact and use services or supports are flexible and can be adapted to your personal needs.
Last Updated: 25 February 2025