What’s the image on your Jigsaw Lid?

Event date: 28 October 2020

Event time: 10.30am to 11.30am

What’s the image on your Jigsaw Lid?

The pragmatist's guide to improving participation through perception

  • The webinar was led by Hilda Campbell (COPE Scotland)


The Jigsaw Project was a GP-cluster led partnership initiative to co-design new pathways of intervention in mental health co designed and produced with the voices of lived experience and COPE Scotland.

Its aim was to support the health and wellbeing of people and families in Drumchapel and Yoker by improving connections between primary care, mental health services and community assets, and to share the learning across Scotland and beyond.

It was a partnership between the Drumchapel and Yoker GP Cluster and their project partners COPE Scotland and Drumchapel Life, and supported by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde with funds provided by the Scottish Government’s Transforming Primary Care Mental Health Initiative.

The Jigsaw Project helped facilitate honest and courageous conversations across traditional divides, finding solutions to some of the shared challenges being faced using the principles of shared decision making. Taking small steps by putting the learning from these conversations into action, with an emphasis on improving connections between mental health services, community assets, local resources and the GP hub, supporting community capacity building and working towards a community network where mental health and wellbeing are better looked after by everyone recognizing the additional challenges faced around inequalities in health and social care and opportunities to have voices heard. The Jigsaw project began a pathway and it continues to address some of the challenges faced by individuals, communities, primary care, third sector and community services and other statutory partners even though the initial project has ended.

We would like to share the process and findings from this work for others to adopt and adapt for their own use if helpful.

More information

Presenter biography

Hilda Campbell is the CEO of COPE Scotland - a charity founded in 1991 with voices of lived experience. In addition to a wide-ranging social science and nursing background, Hilda has 37 years' experience working in the field of mental health, working directly with communities and the voices of lived experience. Hilda is the recipient of an Honorary Fellowship by QNIS (Queens Nursing Institute Scotland) in recognition of dedication to tackling inequality, promoting fairness, respect, kindness and dignity, supporting resilience and prevention, and encouraging care and support and is a finalist for The ALLIANCE Self-Management Champion of the year award for work done to encourage and inspire others to self-manage and promote the message of self-management.

This webinar is part of our Participation Research Network miniseries. Our annual Participation Research Network event brings together speakers on topics relating to participation, public involvement, person-centred care and co-production in health and social care. This year's event was due to take place in March but was postponed due to the COVID pandemic. We are now running a small series of webinars for the main presenters to share their work.

Last Updated: 18 March 2021