Survey of GP practice patients

Survey of GP practice patients

Online and paper-based surveys were used to gather feedback from over 1,600 patients registered with a practice in Arbroath to help inform the future model of care.

The Abbey Practice, Arbroath, gave notice in January 2020 to terminate its contract with NHS Tayside at the end of July. NHS Tayside – which is responsible for ensuring safe primary care services are provided to the local population – worked with Angus Health and Social Care Partnership and local GP practices to consider how to maintain primary care service coverage in the area.

Abbey Practice patients were informed of the situation earlier in 2020. It was recognised that people may be anxious about the potential of moving to another practice during the COVID-19 pandemic and it was important to gather their feedback.

A survey was considered the best method to use due to social distancing requirements, and was sent to households registered with the practice. The survey asked people to comment on frequency of access, how they travelled to the practice and remote access.

The survey was sent to 3,359 households with the option of replying online or using Freepost to return the paper version. A total of 1,634 responses were received – including over 1,000 surveys returned via Freepost – indicating the need for both online and offline methods of engagement. On reflection, we would have encouraged people to complete the survey online as the first option if they were able to do so.

Responses included positive feedback about telephone and video appointments. The feedback will be used to inform the future model of care.

NHS Tayside supported the Angus Integration Joint Board’s recommendation that the practice becomes a "2c" (NHS-managed) practice with support from other GP practices in the area. Abbey Practice patients have been informed of the new arrangements.


Sally Wilson, Angus Health and Social Care Partnership


Photo credit: Andreas Breitling on Pixabay

Last Updated: 25 February 2025