Gathering views on patient experience of primary care out-of-hours services

Gathering views on patient experience of primary care out-of-hours services

The Scottish Government asked us to gather views from across Scotland about primary care out-of-hours services.

In recognition of the challenges associated with delivering primary care services when GP surgeries are closed, the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing & Sport commissioned a National Review of primary care out-of-hours services, chaired by Sir Professor Lewis Ritchie, in January 2015. The Review considered how best to deliver primary care out-of-hours services in light of Scotland's ageing population and as health and social care services became better integrated.

The Scottish Government asked us to organise a series of discussion groups across Scotland to gather public views on the current service. We held 13 discussion groups in June and July 2015 with a total of 113 people, representing a wide geographical spread across Scotland and including individuals from multicultural groups, carers, disabled people, people with long-term conditions and people with sensory impairments.

We summarise what people told us in this report.

Gathering views on patient experience of out-of-hours services
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File size: 1 MB
Publication date: November 2015


As well as sharing a summary of all the feedback provided in focus groups, we were also asked to identify some recommendations to inform the national review. Our recommendations included better access for people with specific needs, the need for a seamless service including appropriate sharing of medical records and improved awareness of local services. The National Review published its main report and recommendations in November 2015.

Last Updated: 7 March 2022