Our strategic vision for 2023 to 2028

Our strategic vision for 2023 to 2028

We will enable inclusive engagement of people and communities in health and care services through evidence, improvement and assurance.

Meaningful engagement matters. It leads to high quality, safe services that are person-centred. It improves the health and wellbeing of communities.

We will achieve our aim by:

Building and sharing evidence around engagement

  • We will be the go-to place for evidence we build from engagement, and about how to engage effectively.
  • We will play a crucial role in transforming national health and care services, and developing policy by creating relevant, timely evidence.
  • We will support people, communities and the public to have their say in health and care.
  • We will gather local, national and international engagement evidence.
  • We will have a joined-up, proactive plan for creating evidence which prioritises national needs.

Using knowledge and expertise to improve engagement

  • We will create a learning system that supports internal and external stakeholders to learn, develop, improve and share best practice in engagement. This includes applying learning from our work and testing new things.
  • We will have excellent partnership working and communication that underpins sharing knowledge.
  • We will be forward-thinking and ambitious, continually improving and developing our expertise.

We will:

Providing assurance that people are involved in shaping services

  • We will fulfil our statutory role to support, ensure and monitor NHS boards’ duty to involve the public.
  • We will provide strategic support and governance on engagement to our partners across health and care.
  • We will plan and prioritise our work and resources in a clear and consistent way. We will assure the approach Healthcare Improvement Scotland takes to engagement, equality and diversity.

We will:

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Publication date: June 2023

Last Updated: 25 February 2025