Service Change Animations

Service Change Animations

What is Service Change?

Health and care services evolve through changes like improved access, new technologies and relocations. Public engagement is essential to include community views and improve public confidence and trust.

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Understanding the impact of proposed changes on transport and travel

This short animation explains how travel and transport are considered in proposed changes to the location of services.

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Understanding the impact of changes

This short animation explains how impact assessment fits with the wider planning informing and engagement process.

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Effective engagement

Robust planning is key to restarting community engagement when considering changes to health and care services

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What is an option appraisal?

This animation explains how an option appraisal fits into the wider engagement process which NHS boards and integration joint boards are required to go through

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Evaluating engagement in service change

Evaluation considers whether an engagement process has met its outcomes, and what difference engaging with communities has made.

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Potential barriers to engagement

Understanding potential barriers to engagement can help make communication and engagement activities transparent and accessible.

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Supporting effective engagement

To be effective, engagement with communities should involve people early, make information readily available, give people enough time to participate and explain the decision-making process.

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Last Updated: 25 February 2025