Major service change reports

Major service change reports

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Public bodies should follow national guidance on community engagement and participation when planning and delivering health and care services in Scotland.

Planning with People, published by the Scottish Government and COSLA, sets out expectations for NHS boards, Integration Joint Boards and local authorities that are planning and commissioning care services in Scotland.

Where a major service change requires formal consultation, our Service Change Team produces an assessment report that advises if the board's consultation and engagement processes have followed Scottish Government guidance.

Cottage hospitals in Dumfries & Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership’s consultation on the future of cottage hospitals (2024)

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Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy services in Ayrshire & Arran

NHS Ayrshire & Arran's consultation on Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy services (2023)

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Monklands Replacement Project

NHS Lanarkshire's engagement on the Monklands Replacement Project (2020)

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Shaping Orthopaedic Services in Tayside

NHS Tayside's consultation on proposals to reconfigure planned and unplanned orthopaedic trauma surgery carried out in Tayside (2019)

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University Hospital Monklands consultation

NHS Lanarkshire's consultation on the replacement or refurbishment of University Hospital Monklands (2019)

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Redesign of Services in Caithness

NHS Highland's consultation on proposals to redesign health and social care services in Caithness (2019)

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Transforming Surgical Services in Tayside

NHS Tayside's consultation on proposals for transforming surgical services in Tayside (2017)

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Ward 15 Royal Alexandra Hospital

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's proposal to move Ward 15 Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley to the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow (2017)

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Rehabilitation Services for Older People in NE Glasgow

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's consultation on proposals for rehabilitation services for older people in north east Glasgow (2016)

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Achieving Excellence, NHS Lanarkshire

NHS Lanarkshire’s consultation on proposals for the development of a new healthcare strategy, Achieving Excellence (2016)

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Primary Care Out-of-Hours Services in Lanarkshire

NHS Lanarkshire's consultation on proposals to improve primary care out­‐of­‐hours services (2015)

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Modernisation of Services in Skye, Lochalsh and South West Ross

NHS Highland's consultation on the proposed modernisation of community and hospital services in Skye, Lochalsh and South West Ross (2014)

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Modernisation of Services in Badenoch and Strathspey

NHS Highland's consultation on the proposed modernisation of community and hospital services in Badenoch and Strathspey (2014)

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Maternity services in Grampian

NHS Grampian's consultation on proposals to close 3 birthing units and replace them with 2 community maternity units (2012)

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Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary

NHS Dumfries & Galloway’s consultation on the plans for Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary (2012)

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Inpatient Rehabilitation Services and Lightburn Hospital

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s consultation on changes to inpatient rehabilitation services in East Glasgow and the possible closure of Lightburn Hospital (2010)

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