Participation groups

Participation groups

Patient Participation Groups in general practices in Scotland : a mapping exercise

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a patient-led group linked to a local General Practice. Patients work with GPs and other practice staff to provide their perspective on healthcare services that are offered to the community. PPGs were first developed by the National Association for Patient Participation in England, and have become one of the established methods of public engagement within primary care in Scotland, with over 100 active groups. Since 2012, we have developed existing PPGs and supported the establishment of new groups throughout Scotland, using resources such as our Start-Up Guide and Development Tool.

There is no set format for a Patient Participation Group. We carried out a scoping exercise to gather information about how different groups work. Some 42 groups across Scotland gave feedback by completing an online questionnaire or meeting with staff in our local offices.

This report describes the range of different ways Patient Participation Groups operate. It demonstrates the diverse nature of how these groups are run and the types of activities they are involved in. Respondents provided information about methods of recruitment, types of activities, meeting formats and the structure of groups. The examples of current practice recorded in this report will be helpful for GP practices considering starting their own group, or looking for ideas on how to develop their existing group.

Patient Participation Groups in General Practices in Scotland : a mapping exercise
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Publication date: August 2019


This report has been shared with the Patient Participation Groups and GP practices that participated in the research.

Last Updated: 25 February 2025