Engaging differently
Measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic, including lockdown restrictions, have created a challenge for traditional ways of engaging with people.
How can we adapt our approach so that community engagement remains possible and meaningful?
Community engagement is a process of working collaboratively to discuss issues affecting their wellbeing with an identified group of people who share a common interest, identity or place.
Meaningful engagement involves engaging people affected by a particular policy, event or change and ensuring people of all backgrounds can take part and have their voice heard and acted upon.
But how do we meaningfully engage in the current situation? There are many articles and blogs which recommend particular platforms, tools and methods - both online and offline. Can digital and at-a-distance engagement be effective? What opportunities and challenges does this new way of working present?
Why differently?
Community engagement has always required a range of approaches to involve different audiences. The COVID-19 pandemic forces us to think even more creatively.
Why differently? Why differently?Physical distancing and inclusive engagement
Engaging at a distance may remove barriers for some people while introducing new barriers for others.
Physical distancing and inclusive engagement Physical distancing and inclusive engagementTools and methods
The possible ways of engaging people when you can't do it face to face includes all the innovative online tools – but also less high-tech methods.
Tools and methods Tools and methodsTips for online meetings
Online meetings and events have become the norm. How can we make sure they are engaging and accessible for everyone taking part?
Tips for online meetings Tips for online meetingsExamples of Engaging Differently
Real-life examples of how services are engaging differently with people and communities
Case Studies Case Studies