Volunteering in NHS Scotland

Volunteering in NHS Scotland

Volunteering makes a huge contribution to NHS Scotland. It improves the experience of patients accessing health services, it frees up staff capacity and it can improve the health and wellbeing of volunteers themselves. We exist to drive forward the volunteering agenda in NHS Scotland through effective leadership, governance, consultancy and expert advice for volunteering across NHS Scotland.

Through our work, the quality, effectiveness and impact of volunteering on both NHS Scotland and on volunteers themselves will be evidenced through robust gathering of data, evaluation, impact assessment and a commitment to continuous improvement and learning.

We will contribute to the development of volunteering in Scotland through collaboration and partnership working, fostering cross-sector relationships to achieve our common goals.

Volunteering improves the health and experience of recipients of care. It also has a beneficial impact on the volunteers themselves, as described in our case studies.

We host and record webinars within Community Engagement. Information about upcoming webinars and recordings of past webinars can be found on our Events page where there are many Volunteering specific webinars. 

Executive and Strategic Leads for Volunteering

From 2008 to 2019 NHS boards were required to nominate a Strategic Lead for Volunteering (CEL 10 2008).  Since August 2019, the Scottish Government has required boards to identify a Strategic Lead and an Executive Lead for Volunteering which will strengthen local governance arrangements for volunteering.

Strategic Vision 2023-28

Our strategic vision for the Programme from 2023 - 2028

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Volunteering Practitioners Network

We support volunteering managers in each NHS board through a series of regional and national Volunteering Practitioners Network events.

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Guidance and resources

Information, guidance and resources which will support people who manage volunteers within the NHS in Scotland.

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Evidence of Impact

Evidence and evaluation of the impact of Volunteering across NHS Scotland.

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NHS Scotland Volunteering Advisory Board

The NHS Scotland Advisory Board oversees and provides leadership to the Volunteering in NHS Scotland programme and engages with the Scottish Government.

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Annual Report

Our Annual Report describes the achievements and impact of the Volunteering in NHS Scotland Programme over the past year.

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Case Studies

Case studies from across Scotland describe the positive impact that volunteering has on patients, families, staff and the volunteers themselves.

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Volunteers' Week

During Volunteers' Week (3 to 9 June) we want to say a huge "thank you" to all volunteers across NHS Scotland

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Last Updated: 25 February 2025